The main purpose behind the use of an interactive whiteboard to help the person to display any text or image that is stored on a personal computer or laptop. With a pencil or pen will make the process of using an interactive whiteboard is much easier. The tip of a finger is enough to manipulate the interactive white board screen.

All texts and images relating to a relevant topic can be stored on the hard disk of a computer and then projected onto a screen using an interactive board. You can also view the pages of a website on the screen by using these whiteboards. The cursor that represents the computer mouse can be controlled using a pen or finger. Some people also use an infrared device to control the mouse cursor on the display board.

The new content can be created on the surface of the plate with your fingers. Browser windows can be opened and shut out the files that are stored and specific parts of the text can be highlighted in the right way. The specific types of software will be available with the interactive whiteboard to convert the handwritten text on the blackboard in the form of text on the computer.

interactive white boards have become a valuable tool that can be used in the rooms of conference rooms, and also interactive whiteboard for classroom. Many sports and sporting groups also use these when planning the strategy for your next event. All essential and important in a presentation can be highlighted and emphasized the proper way to use these white boards.

There are six different types of sub-categories that exist in interactive whiteboards. These arrangements include the board of resistance, electromagnetic, infrared or optical.

The main difference between these types of boards is the nature of the material used in its creation. The difference also lies in the type of tool you use to write on the surface of these whiteboard and can also control the cursor movement. The transmission of signals between the table and the projector will also be different for each type of card.

Films can also be seen very clearly when using interactive whiteboards. A large amount of money can be saved when the tables are used because there is no need to purchase separate systems for each student in a school or university.

If you are looking for a wide range of Interactive Whiteboard or want to buy interactive whiteboard for sale check out the Electronic Whiteboard Warehouse website they have large variety of whiteboards.